Opening and Closing Time of Body Rhythm Gym Jaipur
Body Rhythm Gym Jaipur Membership Plan
Quarterly Starts from 3900
Half Yearly Starts from 6600
Annually Starts from 12000
1. What is the Different mode of payment accepted at Body Rhythm Gym Jaipur?
You can make payment Cash, Paytm, Debit Cards, Credit Card at Body Rhythm Gym Jaipur.
2. What is the equipment Available at Body Rhythm Gym Jaipur?
Here the equipment available:-
- Dumbbells
- Bench Press
- Dip station
- Pull-up Bar
- Tricep bars
- Battle Ropes
- Preacher Bench
- Pec Deck Machine
- Handgrip Exerciser
3. What are the Amenities at Body Rhythm Gym Jaipur?
- Music
- Juice Bar
- Snack bar
- Changing Room
- Air Conditioned
- Wi-Fi Available
- Mobile Charging Point
- Security
- Cafeteria
- TV Screens
- Dance Floor
- Locker Facility
- Parking Available
- Steam Bath Facilities
All these above-given Amenities are available at Body Rhythm Gym Jaipur
5. What are the Different Services are available in this Gym?
- Free Trial
- Sunday Open
- 7 Days A Week
- Valet Parking
- Tires And Ropes
- Cardio Equipment
- Outdoor Training
- Strength Training Equipment
- Zumba
- Crossfit
- Wellness
- Diet Counseling
- Diet Consultation
- Membership Scheme
- Personal Trainers
- Weight Gain Program
- Weight Loss Program
- Weight Loss Treatment
- Diet And Nutrition Plan
- Special Offers And Discounts
All these Services are Available in this gym.