The Kalki Temple in Jaipur is one of the pink city’s best kept secrets. It is said to be the only temple in the world dedicated to Bhagwan Kalki! Kalki Temple or Kalki Mandir as it is locally called is dedicated to Bhagwan Kalki, the last and future incarnation or Avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu in human form. According to Hindu mythology, Kalki will save the world and take us all to the… Sat Yuga. Bhagwan is a Hindi word that refers to God or the Almighty.
Where is Kalki Temple in Jaipur?
Kalki Temple is close to the world famous hawa mahalin Sirehdyodi Bazaar, Jaipur.

Facts About Kalki Mandir Jaipur
- The Kalki Temple was built by the order of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, the founder of the city of Jaipur. Some references claim that the construction of Kalki Temple started in 1727 AD, while others state 1739 AD.
- It is claimed that the Kalki Temple in Jaipur is the only temple in the world dedicated to Kalki Bhagwan.

Who is Kalki Bhagwan?
According to Hinduism, Kalki is the future and final reincarnation of Bhagwan Vishnu. According to Srimad BhagavatamKalki Bhagwan will appear between Kal Yuga and Sat Yuga. His reference is also included in Puranas. Kalki will appear when human values plummet to save the world from evil forces.
Lord Vishnu Has How Many Avatars?
According to Hindu mythology, Vishnu is believed to have ten avatars; the reason why the word Dashavatar is used. These are Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narsimha, RAM, parshuram, vamana, krishna, and Buddha. Kalki will be the last avatar. There is another long list of avatars of Vishnu. Some believe there are 22 avatars while others consider 24 avatars of Vishnu. There are many different opinions and beliefs about the number of incarnations of Bhagwan Vishnu.
Kalki Temple in Jaipur Information
The Kalki Temple is accessed through a gallery through the arched gate on Sirehdyodi Bazaar road. The path has slope-like steps. The temple is maintained by Devesthan Vibhag (the state government).

From an architectural perspective, the Shikharo style is in line with the temples of its period. Marble and red sandstone were used in the construction of the temple. The Mandapas of the temple are in three different styles of architecture.

When is Kalki Avatar expected?
The temple has a separate unit with a beautifully carved horse made of white marble. People claim that there is an injury on one of the horse’s legs. It is upon self-healing of this wound that Lord Kalki will reincarnate on Earth to fight evil forces. The name of this white horse from Kalki is called Devdutt. Many sources describe that Kalki Bhagwan will reincarnate on a white horse with a blazing sword. This is how one can identify Kalki Avtaar.

There is another legend, this horse symbolizes the Ashwmegh Yagya ( यग ) performed by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II during his reign. Only a few Hindu kings have performed this ancient ritual. However, this story seems to be out of place in regards to the temple of Kalki Bhagwan.

In Kalki Temple, except for the main shrine, the architecture seems quite simple and devoid of ornate carvings. However, near the Garbhgriha gate there are carvings on the white marble floor depicting Gada and Shankh (club and shell); symbols denoting essentially Vishnu Bhagwan. The Chaukhat (frame of the gate) is layered and beautifully carved.

Few sites on the internet have erroneously stated that the Kalki Temple is closed until its reincarnation on Earth. It’s not true. It’s false information! You can visit the Kalki Temple in Jaipur.
Is this the only temple in the world dedicated to Bhagwan Kalki?
There are other Kalki temples in India where Kalki idol coexists with other Hindu gods and deities, many people claim that this is the only temple dedicated to Kalki Bhagwan. I am not sure of the validity of this claim as many sites dispute such claims.
- The Kalki Temple in Jaipur is open from dawn to dusk
Out of all the heritage temples in Jaipur, the Kalki Temple demands special mention as it is the only temple dedicated to the Bhawan Kalki. Commissioned by the founder of Jaipur- Maharaja Sawai, Jai Singh II certainly adds to its appeal.